Posts in Photography

On Saturday I went to the #EndAusterityNow demonstration to protest against our current government, their planned cuts, and austerity measures. Here are some of my photos from the day.

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Carry That Weight

Today, in solidarity with the many victims of sexual assault and domestic violence, students, staff, faculty, and everyday citizens across the country took part in Carry That Weight marches through their respective cities. Named after Sulkowitz's performance piece, the marches aimed to convey that "carrying a mattress with others brings us together to collectively help carry the weight, shows our shared support for survivors, and our collective commitment to working together toward cultural and community-level change to end sexual and domestic violence" [x].

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Norwich Fashion Week: The Designer's Show

The Designer's Show took place on Tuesday 12th of March at Epic Studios and featured work by local designers and students. There was an amazing variety of garments and accessories on show, and I was particularly impressed with the younger, innovative designers of Norwich.

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Collaborating with NUA Fashion Students (Part II)

On Friday I was lucky enough to have a shoot with local up-and-coming model Jude Wright, who I've been dying to set up a shoot with as soon as I spotted her a few months ago in a friend's images. We re-shot a few of the images I took a couple of a weeks ago, re-working them and playing with the lighting as well as working with several new dresses.

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Collaborating with NUA Fashion Students (Part I)

The brief for the end of year project for the first-year Fashion students at NUA consisted of creating a collaboration between the work of a design house and that of a high-street brand, and creating a garment representing this.

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London Fashion Weekend

Yesterday, after staying up all night and then getting on a 4am coach, I was given the brilliant opportunity to take photographs at London Fashion Weekend, the aftermath of London Fashion Week that gives the general public the opportunity to watch catwalk shows and shop for designer goodies, as part of the Canon team.

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Catwalks at Graduate Fashion Week

Not only did my AAA pass at Graduate Fashion Week allow me to access a lot of areas that were out of bounds for the general public, it also meant that I could get into the catwalk shows as a member of the press, blag a front-row seat, and photograph away to my heart's content. 

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Backstage at Graduate Fashion Week

The backstage area of Graduate Fashion Week was guarded at all times by burly men in suits. My Access All Areas badge changed 3 times in the time I was in London, first consisting of a wristband, followed by a handwritten AAA on my Blogging Team badge, and finally an 'Access All Areas Graduate Fashion Week Photographer/Blogger' badge.

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Prague in Photographs

My next project for university is going to see me planning out a mock version of a travel guide book. The book will be about Krakow. As a sneak preview for how the images will look, here is a visual diary of the 3 days I spent in Prague earlier in the year.

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