Sophie Cass

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Boho Bridal Shoot at Urban Jungle

As there are a few weeks until my next wedding and the sun has finally decided to come out, I really wanted to set up a styled bridal shoot. I initially got in touch with a range of suppliers, including cakemakers, dress shops, and stationers, but in the end decided to go down a different, much simpler route. A lot of the weddings I photograph are very DIY and outdoorsy, so I wanted to do a shoot that was based around that aesthetic. To do this, I purchased a couple of dresses off ASOS that suited the concept, got in touch with a local model I've really been wanting to work with (Megan Roose), and sent a quick email to Urban Jungle in Costessey to see if they were alright with us shooting there for an hour or so. 

We ended up shooting on Sunday 18th June, which turned out to be the hottest day of the year so far at 30+ degrees. Despite the overwhelming heat, the shoot was really fun. I've been wanting to photograph at Urban Jungle for a while, and I was so glad I finally set something up: it's a brilliant place to shoot as it's full of exotic plants, succulents, and trees that create a stunning backdrop. I was also super impressed with the quality of the dresses I'd got for the shoot. Considering I had spent less than £100 on them, they were absolutely perfect for the theme we were going for. It just goes to show that you don't need to spend a fortune if you're going for that boho bride look. 

Below are the photographs from the shoot (click to expand).

I want to set up some more shoots while the weather is on my side, so keep an eye on the blog if you like my work. And, as always, if you're interested in working with me then just send me an email - I don't bite! My email is or you can use my contact page.